xX_Brat_Xx, Lord Satan

Addicts Girl, Doc, Smudge

List Makers

Welcome to Brats Magical Av Tagging Page. Remember, that the painters are giving you their time at no charge. Your patience will be very much appreciated. We hope you will be more than satisfied with our work and will visit us again soon.

A Couple Of Rules. Please do not IM artist as it makes PSP jump when they are in it. and no gestures,or swearing,or scrolling in the taggin shop please Also while in here a PLEASE and THANK-YOU go a long way . If you need an A'V done please ask the List Maker to put you on the list....

I would like to chat also so could all painters please share the work load. Thank you

I ask people to watch what Av's they are wearing in our room. Please refrain from wearing too explicate Av's at all. Please keep in mind the language too. Thank You. Love xX_Brat_Xx

For My MoM and Dad with out you I wouldn't have this shop so from the bottom of my heart I love to thank you.
Love your Favourite Daughter xX_Brat_Xx

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